Samantha and Brad standing on their veranda looking happy with their border collie Chai

Hi, we’re the eberharts

Samantha & Brad
We love transforming spaces and cultivating a meaningful life. Renovation has become the art form to tell our story.

We want homes to reflect our life’s story, etched into the walls is experiences, community & lessons.

We are passionate about craftsmanship, sustainability & detail.

We love to adventure in our cozy renovated vintage caravan. We love life on the road with Chai (our cheeky border collie) which fuels our creative spirit and deepens our connection to the Australian landscape.

Growing food and creating a suburban oasis is important to us. We are still building & learning but our connection with food and creating nature corridors for native wildlife is a continual work-in-progress.

Contact us.

If you’d like to connect with us, we’d love to hear from you!