Olla Irrigation: An Ancient Technique for Efficient Garden Watering

With a long, hot summer on the way in Australia, it’s time we start to think about sustainable ways to water our gardens. Originating from Spanish-speaking regions, Olla irrigation is a simple and efficient way to water plants while minimising water waste.

How does Olla irrigation work?

Ollas are earthenware pots made from unglazed clay, which allows water to slowly seep through the porous material. To implement Olla irrigation, bury the pots in the ground with their necks exposed above the soil surface. Fill the Ollas with water, and the water will gradually seep into the surrounding soil, hydrating the roots of nearby plants. The roots instinctively grow towards the Olla, ensuring efficient water uptake. I recently buried Ollas next to my lemon and lime trees that are in direct sunlight to ensure they get the water they need.

Here is the Olla’s I used for my lemon and lime trees.

The benefits of Olla irrigation

Ollas reduces water loss due to evaporation and runoff, as water is delivered directly to the root zone. This can result in significant water savings over time, making Olla irrigation a sustainable way to nurture your garden.

Furthermore, Ollas promote deep root growth. Since the water is concentrated near the Olla, plants are encouraged to develop long and robust roots, providing them with better stability and access to nutrients. The controlled release of water also prevents overwatering, which can lead to root rot and other plant diseases.

Implementing Olla irrigation

To incorporate Ollas into your garden, follow these steps:

  • Select the appropriate size of Ollas for your garden and plant types

  • Dig a hole in the garden bed where you want to place the Olla

  • Bury the Olla, leaving the neck exposed

  • Fill the Olla with water and cover the exposed neck with a cap or a flat stone to prevent debris from entering

  • Plant your desired plants around the Olla, ensuring that their roots can access the water seeping from the Olla

Olla dug into the ground

A few extra tips

Remember to refill the Ollas regularly, especially during periods of dry weather.
Although Olla irrigation is not suitable for all plants, it works particularly well for vegetables, herbs, and other garden crops that benefit from consistent and deep watering.

Olla irrigation is a fantastic way to save water, reduce water wastage and promote healthy plant growth.

Lemon and lime trees against a brick wall

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The Benefits of Olla Irrigation in Australia


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