Keeping momentum in your renovation

Over the years and many projects that Brad and I have undertaken, there is one outstanding lesson we have learnt time and time again - don’t lose momentum.

When you’re taking on a renovation or DIY project yourselves, keeping momentum can be one of the most important elements that contributes to finishing a project.

Home renovation projects require a number of skills to come together in order for the project to be successful. If you’re doing it yourself like we are, then it’s a physical demand on your body.

You’ll also need budgeting skills, problem solving skills, the resilience to live in a temporarily uncomfortable situation (right now we don’t have walls, ceiling or floors in half our house) and of course, most importantly is how you manage your mental health throughout your project.

We have found that keeping the momentum in our projects, even in a small way, helps us maintain a positive mindset and prevent feelings of frustration. We all know that feeling of being ‘behind’ or not progressing.

How do we plan for momentum?

  • Set a fortnightly (or whatever works for you) program of what you want to get done

  • Be realistic and put that time aside so you know you have the time to complete that task

  • Work smart, divide and conquer, order supplies ahead of time, reduce wasted time by making clear decisions

  • Celebrate when you have completed something! Make sure you take the time to see your own progress

Seeing tangible progress in your projects keeps your motivation high and maintains the energy that you need to keep moving forward.

We’re knee deep in our renovation now, reminding ourselves to keep moving forward and celebrate the small wins.


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