Refreshing Your Home Office for the New Year

Samantha in her blue office

I won’t lie, after the Christmas/ New Year break my office was crammed full of bits and bobs, boxes and random things that don’t have a home. The whole office was feeling a little uninspiring. So, with rolled up sleeves and a podcast in my ears it was time for a reset.

Declutter and OrganiSE

As boring as it sounds decluttering your workspace is the first place to start. While it’s not as exciting as decorating, it will make you feel a thousand times better. Get rid of anything you don’t need, actually Sort through your papers, rather than leaving them in a pile for ‘later’. You’d be amazed at the impact of clear benchtops, cleaned cupboards and an organised desk.

Upgrade Your Furniture

New furniture isn’t something you need to get every year, but ensuring that your office space, nook or room is functional is important. Having a comfortable chair and desk that meets your needs will help you be productive. Think about how you use this space and what would make it better for you to function in. Do you want a standing desk or a walking pad? Do you need different lighting options like table or floor lamps?

Office furniture I’m loving:

Increase Functionality

Have a look around, is everything functioning well? Now’s the time to make life a little easier for yourself. Do you need to sort out your cables? do you need better organisation systems? We don’t often get the space and time to think about the small things we can do to make our live a little easier.

add a Splash of Color or art

Colour makes a huge impact on the feel of a space. You could reinvent your workspace through painting the walls, but of that’s too much of a commitment for you try adding colour and texture through rugs, pillows, curtains or hang some beautiful new art on your walls.

Change your routine

A change to your routine may be what you’re looking for in 2024.
It doesn’t have to be a huge commitment or a lifestyle trend, but a small simple change to your routine that allows you to feel fresh and focus on what’s important. Perhaps it’s getting up a tad early to have a coffee in the garden or reading a book before bed. Maybe it’s opening the curtains and making a pot of tea to start the day. Whatever you choose is meant to make you feel better, not put pressure on your daily life.

Samantha in her blue office with paintings on the wall

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